

Certification Awarded Upon Completion

-Practice the Essential Skills Of Christianity, Health, Wholeness and Liberty In Christ

-Be Able to Assist Others Via The Coaching and Wholeness Mindsets

-Wholistic and Comprehensive Life and Wholeness Skills that You Can Personally Implement and Pass On

-Opportunity to Build Your Own People-Helping Business and Cultivate an Additional Stream of Income

-Practical Ready to Use Tools to Help You Set Up Your Business or Ministry

-Knowledge of Who to Help, Who to Accept as Clients, How to Empower Them And How to Keep Your Relationships With Them Productive


Participants are encouraged to:

-Attend at least 1 Encounter God Event per month. Encounter is held every 2nd & 4th Friday.

-Attend 1 Wholeness Zoom training per month.

-Attend 1 Skill Boosts Zoom training per month, for every track you choose.

-Candidates must receive 2 personal Coaching Sessions.

-Candidates must attend 2 Coaching Sessions serving in the role of apprentice.

-Candidates must practice conducting 2 Coaching Sessions with an experienced Coach observing and providing constructive input afterward.

-Complete the Resource List Customized For Each Track.