Encounter God Hybrid Event
Physical and digital worship gatherings where the predominant focus is on Jesus. We follow Holy Spirit’s activity and invite Him to shape our time! Gather some other believers or pre-believers in your home or event space and join the digital expression with others doing the same from around the country. We regularly experience the sharing of encouraging messages from God’s heart to individuals, deep times of prayer and moments of deep worship that mark our lives!
Skill Boost
This training course focuses on where you can actively grow your skills in reaching the sphere of influence God has called you too, and learn how to bring His kingdom into the mix. Learn to coach others into a greater expression of abundance as a life and/or wholeness coach. Learn to occupy space in a sphere of influence, utilizing grit, focus and leverage of heaven’s leadership culture. Learn the place of humility and enjoyment that comes from being a discipler called to equip God’s people.
In the fall of 2024, we will focus on the Essential Skills of Christianity (ESC) by giving you an overview of the prophetic, healing, hearing God’s voice, receiving the Father’s love, embracing key promises of God, and much more. We pray and hope you can join us!
Learn what matters. Grow skills that move obstacles. Lead others to do the same.
Skill Boost:
Discipleship Deep Dive
In this Skill Boost Course we focus on how to be disciples of Christ and how to train others to become devoted disciples.
Meetings are held over Zoom on selected Thursdays at 7pm CT. The same class is offered on the following Saturday at 10am CT. Although we repeat the same content, no two classes are ever the same. We take time to listen to Holy Spirit, glean from each other’s experience and encourage one another.
Check out the Calendar below for upcoming Skill Boost trainings.