“I (We) give thanks to God for all of you, because the testimony of your strong, persistent faith is spreading throughout the world. And God knows that I/we pray for you continually and at all times.” Romans 1: 8-9 (The Passion Translation)
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving," (I Timothy 4:4).
We love Thanksgiving, not just for the special family gatherings, the "fine dining" and the televised football games, but for the simple reason that it gives honor to God in a unique way. No other holiday focuses attention on being thankful and recognizing the blessings one has received. But Christians and Non-Christians alike fulfill scripture on that day, for Colossians 3:15 specifically tells us to be thankful.
Not only does Thanksgiving honor God, but God also honors the giving of thanks. In Luke 17 we read the account of the ten lepers who approached Jesus for healing. Like many people, nine of the lepers received from the Lord but failed to take time to thank Him. However, Jesus commended the one who returned to thank him for his healing.
This year I encourage you to take the time to consider the magnitude of blessings you have received. No matter what your circumstances, you have much for which to be thankful.
Let us also take this opportunity to tell you that one of the things for which we are thankful this year is YOU. You are a vital part of the Body of Christ, a testimony of the power of God. We are thankful that the Lord has placed you within the TwentyR community. This year may your Thanksgiving holiday be a joyful time.
We pray specifically that this day you will join us in giving thanks to our God, the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and by the power of His Holy Spirit for His Provision, Protection and the fullness of His Glory being manifest in you, by you, through you and to you!
Be blessed and be a blessing!
Anthony & Evelyn Coltman and Ron & Valerie Coltman
TwentyR Executive Leadership Team